UAB "Ababa", increasing the company's integration into international value chains
UAB "Ababa" is currently implementing a project co-funded by the European Union "Implementation of process/organisational innovation in UAB "Ababa", increasing the company's integration into international value chains" Nr. 02-040-K-0133 (hereinafter - the Project).
The objective of the Project is to introduce process/organisational innovation in the company, thereby increasing the company's integration into international value chains. Ababa UAB, which is currently growing rapidly, is focusing on expansion, new product development and attracting new customers, and has therefore decided to participate in this Call for Proposals in order to further expand and introduce innovation in its internal processes. The company will implement the activities planned in the project by introducing new business functions and reducing redundant activities, optimising existing value chains, etc.
The project is financed in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in the description of the activity "Promote the development of non-technological innovation (Central and Western Lithuania region)" and in the Rules for the Administration and Financing of Projects according to programme of the development "Establish a coherent framework for promoting innovation" of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2022-2030.
The total value of the project is EUR 233 169,88.
The project will be financed by the EU Funds Investment Programme for the period 2021-2027 - EUR 81 469,56.
The project promoter's own funds - EUR 151 700,32.
The project shall be implemented from 8 November 2024 to 8 November 2026.