Ababa Nexus

All of our projects are built using the Ababa Nexus code and work bundle, which acts as the foundation for any project we develop. This bundle has many ready-made code components, functions, automated tasks and optimizations, which allows us to develop projects much faster and offer these functionalities at a lower cost than programming separately.

Here's a list of what is included in Nexus:

NrTitleWhy is it necessary?Nexus bundle pricePrice when ordered separatelySavings
Foundational jobs
1Code repositoriesCode stored in repositories is versioned and much easier to maintain306050%, 30€
2Digitalocean s3Allows safe, fast and reliable storage and loading of any type of files systematically
306050%, 30€
3Digitalocean CDNSignificantly speeds up file loading406033%, 20€
4Backup configurationAllows to restore an older version of the system304025%, 10€
5NginxSignificantly speeds up system performance5018072%, 130€
6Continous integrationFacilitates work between multiple programmers and reduces the likelihood of conflicting code4012067%, 80€
7SentryAutomatically reports system errors that occur, so they can be handled even if no one has reported them508037%, 30€
8DockerFacilitates project launch for employees5012058%, 70€
9PostgreSQL databaseDatabase preparation, configuration, protection6016062%, 100€
10Allocation of virtual memoryReduces the cost of renting a server by four times508037%, 30€
11Brevo SMTPAn email broker that improves email delivery20035043%, 150€
12Brevo Templates
Allows convenient management of e-mail content of letters15030050%, 150€
13Brevo log & trackingAllows real-time email tracking, mail delivery, opening, button clicks15025040%, 100€
14Audit logStoring the actions performed by the users of the system makes it possible to trace who did what action5030083%, 250€
15Domain configurationAllows accessing the system at the desired address607014%, 10€
Protects against malicious system attacks5010050%, 50€
17CI user, DB userReduces the chance of guessing database and repository connections306050%, 30€
18Let’s Encrypt SSLEncrypts the communication between the system and the user306050%, 30€
19SSL auto renewAutomatically renews the SSL certificate608025%, 20€
20SSH auth keysAn additional layer of protection that reduces the probability of system hacking305040%, 20€
21Cron jobsA configuration that allows the execution of software functions at the desired time508037%, 30€
22Close unused portsAn additional layer of protection that reduces the probability of system hacking305040%, 20€
23Refresh tokenAutomatic extension of the login session, which prevents repeated logins6018067%, 120€
24reCaptcha V3Protects forms from robotic form filling4010060%, 60€
Administrative part
25Development of design guidelines, coordinationSelection of colors and fonts according to the branding of the project and application of these styles in the main components of the system8010020%, 20€
26Initial layoutDevelopment of pages, programming of the visual part20050060%, 300€
27Login/registration page10035071%, 250€
28Login via GoogleAllows logging into the system with a Google account. No need to enter a password20035043%, 150€
29Login/registration via regular e-mailAllows to register or log in via regular e-mail25030017%, 50€
30Password reset5015067%, 100€
31Email address confirmation via email8012033%, 40€
32SidebarSystem side menu layout
10025060%, 150€
33Header + logoutSystem top menu layout, clean logout programming5010050%, 50€
34Administrator managementThis function allows to add, edit, delete system administrators20035043%, 150€
35Language managementFeature to create an unlimited number of languages20040050%, 60€
36Management of system termsA function that allows modifying and translating system terms25040037%, 150€
37Adaptation for mobile devicesWork that makes administrative environment easy to manage on mobile devices15040062%, 250€
38Lazy-loading implementation on pagesSpeeds up page loads by loading less data at once6012050%, 60€
Other works
39System support and maintenanceFree troubleshooting, system support and after-sales maintenance for 3 months after system go-live01200100%, 1200€
Total:3390808058%, 4690€